Nastavitve uporabe piškotkov

Spletno mesto uporablja pišotke z namenom zagotavljanja spletne storitve, oglasnih sistemov in funkcionalnosti, ki jih brez piškotkov ne bi mogli nuditi. Z obiskom in uporabo spletnega mesta soglašate s piškotki. Več o piškotkih ...

Spodaj so navedeni piškotki, pri katerih lahko upravljate z dovoljenji.

Dovoljenja uporabljenih piškotkov

Google Analytics
Statistika obiska strani

Pravno svetovanje, zastopstvo, in zaščita

Legal consultancy, representation, and protection

Юридические консультации, представительство и защита

ZEBRA® - sound trademarks

ZEBRA® is registered trademark, No.: 201471220.

In ZEBRA® department we create and protect sound trademarks.
Trademarks that sound are sound trademarks. 



A sound trademark denotes the goods or services of companies in the market.

Registered sound trademark, such as ours, you can hear.


 Igor Hodak

Head of Sound Trademarks


Responsible for creating sound trademarks, professor of music, composer, music producer, audio engineer, consultant



 Send us an inquiry. We will provide you with the answer as soon as possible. 



Listen and enjoy when selling your products and services!

"The sound of the summer is caught in the poem of the winter.
The melody of the sun is carved into a rock.
The dance of the future is created in this very moment.
The poetry of the day is written in the rain." By Meti Ketner
























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